Time Off
All employees are entitled to a statutory minimum of 5.6 weeks paid holidays per year - including temporary workers, fixed term workers and those on zero hours contracts. Employers may award contractually more than the statutory holiday entitlement.
Employers may decide that workers can only take holidays they have ‘accrued’ (earned on a monthly basis) particularly new employees. Employers have the right to refuse holiday requests but must allow employees time to take their entitlement.
Employers may ask workers to take holidays at specific times. For example where work seasonally fluctuates or the workplace historically closes such as Christmas and Easter breaks.
Employees should be paid ‘their usual pay’ when taking holidays - this should include regular bonus payments and overtime. Where a workers pay fluctuates an average should be calculated based the previous 52 weeks earnings.
If you don’t think you’re getting enough time off or aren’t being paid accordingly we’re here to support you. Join Employees United today for immediate advice.