Support Striking Workers

There is a festering morass of greed and bigotry seated at the heart of the UK  government and it has been there long before the Johnson administration.  But his gang of corrupt incompetents and carpetbaggers took this to unprecedented new heights.  That was before Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak made things worse.

The current round of strikes, by rail workers, nurses (for the first time in NHS history), postal workers, teachers, public sector workers, bus drivers and ambulance staff are;   contrary to the government and the click bait right wing press that managed to hoodwink so many working people in 2019 to vote Conservative, an inevitable consequence of this mis-management.  It is a necessary act against a government who have long abandoned the majority needs of the population in favour of the favours of an obscenely wealthy minority.

The government has argued throughout that it cannot afford to meet the demands of the current wave of striking workers, but this is simply incorrect.  Even the BBC Reality check has estimated the actual costs of meeting workers demands to be £12Bn well short of Rishi Sunak’s stated £28Bn.

The government has already written off £8.7Bn in failed PPE contracts during COVID and at least £22.2Bn was lost to the embarrassingly shambolic ‘test & trace’ efforts during the pandemic.

But these pale into significance next to the Bank of England’s £65Bn bail out after Kwasi Kwarteng’s failed September 2022 ‘mini budget.’  To date, Brexit is estimated to have cost £40Bn in lost tax revenue and finally we can’t forget the £11Bn Rishi Sunk blew as Chancellor of the Exchequer in over paid UK debt payments.

So we shall continue to support our striking workers, every step of the way because let’s face it, this government is utterly unconscionable, incapable and grotesquely incompetent.


Building a Better Future:The Role of Unions


Unable to attend work due to strike action or bad weather?